The overall objective of the project is to connect jobseekers, local communities, the private sector and authorities to participate in the joint development of the Bulgarian-Romanian cross-border region, using their resources and advantages in a sustainable way, with a view of promoting cross-border mobility of workforce.
The specific objective of the project is to promote the integration of the cross-border region in terms of employment and job mobility through joint employment initiatives.
Business and labour force survey in the cross-border region (BLFS), the purpose of which is to collect, process and analyze information in order to identify the problems and trends of the labor market in the cross-border region, focusing on:
The most developed and “most productive” sectors such as clothing industry, food industry, etc. The main objective of this component is to raise awareness of people about what job opportunities are available in the cross-border region.
Sectors with high development potential that need workforce with specific qualification and skills such as the high-technological sectors, IT sector etc. The main objective of this component is to raise awareness of people about what qualification and skills must be possessed in order to find long-term employment.
The working-age population to be devided into employed, unemployed and not in the labour force and to be provided descriptive and explanatory data on each of these 3 groups. Also the attitude of the examined people towards mobility in the CB labour market to be determined.
Analysis of the labor market situation in the cross-border region Bulgaria-Romania, including:
in order to identify strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and possible threats related to cross-border labour market mobility
Identification of the main institutions or organizations which can provide reliable information, about labour vacancies and the conditions under which they can be occupied, etc
Awareness campaign, which aims to promote integration in the cross-border region in terms of employment and mobility of the workforce, including:
to entrepreneurs, employment agencies, etc.
dissemination of posters and brochures
Participants in which, to be informed about employment opportunities, labor mobility andv to have possibility to register for participation in the follow-up project activities.
Organizing a Job fair, with aims to provide easy an effortless way for communication between business and jobseekers in the target region. Participants:
representatives of key economic sectors (identified by the Business and Workforce Survey) who will provide information on their activities, jobs, internships, recruitment processes, etc
oriented to support the above-mentioned groups, with information on local and national taxes, social security conditions, legal procedures for company registration and recruitment.
The brochure will provide accessible information on labour market regulatory requirements to help potential employers and employees.
The project contributes to the achievement of the results indicator under the Program "Population that has access to joint employment initiatives" through:
The concrete results we expect are: